Campsite on the lake.

Cenex! Although disgusting, keeping us alive through long stretches of road since Montana.

Beautiful country in the U.P.

Bike path next to Superior in Marquette, MI.


Could not ask for a better sunset.

No Bikes?!

Amnicon Falls, WI. Went swimming under the falls. It sucks you down 10 feet and spits you back out into a wall on the other side.

We found Dan sleeping here on the side of the road after he decided to get on the road a little earlier than the rest of us.

Super sexy workout on the train tracks. This picture is from a while back in the plains, but I had to put it up.

A view from the cockpit.
Enjoying the U.P. so far. Beautiful country out here. Nice people. "Yoopers" as they are called. We rolled into Michigan a couple days ago and are now in Munising. After a night of sleeping and cooking like bums on the concrete behind a grocery store, we found one of the most beauiful campsites we've had on the trip thus far last night. A small clearing among a patch of pines on the side of the bank up from a beach on Lake Superior. Had clear views of the stars and lake last night from my hammock which was strung over the side of the bank.
We got to the beach with plenty of daylight last night and went swimming. The lake was the perfect temperature and crystal clear. Perfect after a hot day of riding. Everything about superior feels like the ocean except for a lack of salty smell. One of the most incredible sunsets we've seen yet last night. We will be going for another swim today in Munsing and either possibly follow the coast along the Pictured Rocks Nat'l Shoreline, or just stay on 28 to Sault St. Marie.
We're all feeling good despite mild colds among the group. 128 miles on Wednesday. 108 yesterday. Hopefully 90-100+ today. YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.
We're finally starting to figure out at least partially what a bike is.
Love seein' the YeeHah... makes me think of my home in Arkansas... looks like beautiful country on the UP...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I love the Cenex and the super-sexy workout yeah. You guys are haulin'-ass. Wildabeast you are the hairiest patriot I know. CJ, well you know how I feel about you. Goods, keep up the boyish good looks. And hello to the rest of the group, Obi, Dan and Big Poppa. I'm thinking I should be able to meet up for at least a ride from Ithaca. What side of Cayuga Lake are you riding south? I have softball games in Ithaca Monday nights.